
2.《快要高考了, 要相信我们是可以的!加油同学们!高考顺利!还有她!我相信你是最棒的!努力就好》用英语

英语翻译高考加油_高考加油 英语翻译

1 a hard, a harvest, God will never forget to learn who try to test, because God helps those who help themselves. Bold to test, need not worry about the outcome, to be useful! If some tension, tell yourself: "nervous" is actually a kind of excitement, but also conducive to play. Proper tension is normal and necessary. I wish all the college entrance examination calmly!; 一份耕耘,一份收获,上苍从来不会忘记努力学习的人!尽量去考,因为天道酬勤。大胆去考,没必要杞人忧天患得患失,天生我才必有用!假如有些紧张,就告诉自己:“紧张”实际上也是一种兴奋,也有利于发挥。适当的紧张是正常的和必要的。祝所有高考考生沉着应战!

2. Looking at the sky, what is better than you, you will feel inferior, overlooking the earth, what all low than you, you will be proud; only broaden the horizon, the sky and the earth "panoramic view to between the soil of Pan sky find your real position. Don't be inferior, don't be conceited, stick to the confidence;仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。

3 tears is not our answer, hard work is our choice.;眼泪不是我们的答案,拼搏才是我们的选择。

4 be grateful, never give up! Even in the most violent wind and rain, we have to raise our heads and face the courage to face the front. Because please believe that: any experience of suffering, as long as it is not destroyed, is the wealth!心存感激,永不放弃!即使是在最猛烈的风雨中,我们也要有抬起头,直面前方的勇气。因为请相信:任何一次苦难的经历,只要不是毁灭,就是财富!

5. To pick a rose, fold thorn; want to go smooth, to remove the thorns; want to see dawn, braving the silent night; want to test high school, to redouble their efforts to: tenet, inf, I wish the university entrance exam smoothly!. 想摘玫瑰,就要先折刺枝;想走坦途,就要斩除荆棘;想看到天明,就要勇闯夜寂;想考试高中,就要倍加努力:厚德载物,天道酬勤,祝高考顺利!



(1)第一种场景:Good luck! 读音:英 [ɡud l?k] ? 美 [ɡ?d l?k]。

当你的朋友要去参加面试,或者当他/她想要去试试运气的时候,我们可以对他们说:Good luck! 也就是“祝你好运”,间接表达出“加油”的意思。

(2)第二种场景:Break a leg! 读音:?[bre?k]?[?]?[leg]。

当你的朋友要登台表演,或者要上台演讲。在他们上台前,你可以对他们说:break a leg。

(3)第三种场景:Cheer up! 读音:英 [t?i p] ? 美 [t?r ?p]。?

Cheer up的意思是高兴起来,振作起来。鼓励朋友在心情低迷的时候振作起来,继续加油。类似的词还有Buck up,也是让对方振作起来的意思。

(4)第四种场景:Come on! 读音:英 [k?m ?n] ? 美 [k?m ɑn]。


Come on这个短语很常用,用法也很丰富,在这里就是一种加油鼓劲,后面加上一句 “You can do it!” 更加增添了对方的信心。


给上场比赛的队友加油鼓劲,用这个表达是十分合适的。另外,在足球赛场上,当一位球员带球突破形成攻势,支持他的全体球迷往往会大喊:Go! Go! Go! 用这样短促有力的方式来为队员加油打call。

《快要高考了, 要相信我们是可以的!加油同学们!高考顺利!还有她!我相信你是最棒的!努力就好》用英语

"加油"的英语写法是 "Go for it!" 或者 "Keep it up!"Go for it解析如下:


英式发音:[ɡ? f?r ?t]

美式发音:[ɡo? f?r ?t]




"Go for it!" 是一种鼓励性的表达,常用于激励他人坚持下去、努力奋斗、追求目标等。


1. You're doing great in the race. Go for it!(你在比赛中表现得很好,加油!)

2. Don't be afraid to take risks. Just go for it!(不要害怕冒险,勇往直前吧!)

3. Keep practicing, and when the opportunity comes, go for it!(继续练习,当机会来临时,抓住它!)

4. You have the skills and the determination. Go for it and achieve your dreams!(你有才能和决心,努力追逐你的梦想吧!)


- go for it - 加油,努力

- go for your dreams - 追逐你的梦想

- go for the win - 争取胜利

- go for the goal - 努力达成目标

Keep it up解析如下:


英式发音:[ki?p ?t ?p]

美式发音:[kip ?t ?p]




"Keep it up!" 是一种鼓励性的表达,用于表扬他人当前的努力、进展或表现,并希望他们继续保持下去。


1. You're doing a great job with your studies. Keep it up!(你在学习上做得很好,继续保持!)

2. Your hard work is paying off. Keep it up and you'll reach your goals.(你的努力正在取得回报,继续保持,你会实现目标的。)

3. I'm impressed by your dedication. Keep it up and you'll succeed.(我对你的专注感到印象深刻,继续保持,你会成功的。)

4. You're making progress. Keep it up and you'll get even better.(你正在取得进步,继续保持,你会变得更好。)


- keep up the good work -

快要高考了 Is going to the university entrance exam

要相信我们是可以的to believe that we can do it

加油同学们 Come on students

高考顺利 we will pass the exam successfully

还有她 and her

我相信你是最棒的I believe that you are the best

努力就好 making effort and don‘t worry