
1-5 BADBC 6-10 BADDB 11-15 ABDCB

16. at 17. Hearing 18. while 19. to please

20.unfair 21.for 22.a 23.it 24.fell 25.if

in sympathy出于同情

express sympathy for(对...表示)慰问

feel sympathy for 同情

(=have sympathy for)

(=show sympathy for)

in sympathy with同情; 赞成; 和...一致

out of sympathy with对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致

win sympathy of博得...的同情

26-30 ADBDC 31-35 ADBBC 36-40 CABDA 41-45 BCBAD 46-50 FCBED


Sports and health

“Health is wealth”, an old saying, means that health is the most important thing in life and I think this is true.

Some people enjoy playing organized team sports like basketball and soccer while others prefer to exercise on their own like jogging. There are so many popular sports today and we can be motivated to exercise by the achievements of our heroes in these sports.

Personally, I like to play badminton with my friends every day. Playing badminton means I am fit and it also keeps me in a good mood to face the challenges of the day.


概述1 The Wright brothers were deeply interested in human flying since their childhood. After many experiments they achieved a great success by making the first airplane flight in 1903.


The Wright brothers were deeply interested in human flying since their childhood. They spent many years doing lots of experiments again and again and finally they succeeded in inventing the first airplane in 1903.


The Wright brothers' story is so instructive that after reading it I cann't help beginning to think more. (The Wright brothers' story is a really instructive one, which inspires me to think more.) Every one of us takes an interest in something or another. Obviously, with this interest, we will focus more on it and keep on achieving it with greater determination and more enthusiasm.


In some way, it is our interest that leads to a great success. Take me for example. The first time I began to learn English at the primary school, I was deeply interested in it. Unlike other subjects, English was more interesting and easier for me because I am interested in it. I always try my best to catch every chance to practise my spoken and written English in the hope of communicating with others fluently in English! Now, I think I have made it and I am quite grateful for this interest.


Therefore, if we all try to develop our interest and stick to it, then our life will be more colorful and our dreams are sure to come true. All in all, our interest will be of great help to achieve the lifelong goal.


1. B。因为压力大,Vanessa Lee辞掉(quit)了一个全职经理的工作。

2. A。由于感到无聊,Vanessa Lee想找个每周都能够做的事情,这吸引(attracted)她去做志愿者活动。

3. D。这是一所非盈利性(non?鄄profit)学校,专门为贫困家庭的孩子提供教育性质的家庭辅导。

4. B。Vanessa Lee和Bryan形成一对一的这种辅导。match with somebody,“与……相匹配”。

5. C。他们一般学习阅读、数学、自然、拼写,偶尔(occasionally)也活动一下。

6. B。Lee经常把自己想象成Bryan的一个远房的(distant)姑姑或表亲戚,而不是一个家庭老师。

7. A。……做一些有趣的事情来庆祝(celebrate)一下,而不是我一来就做作业(homework)。

8. D。参见注释7。

9. D。……他的进步就是对我付出努力的最大回报(reward)。

10. B。Lee和Bryan的妈妈关系也很好。close,“亲密的”。

11. A。或许是因为她们拥有一个相同的语言背景,更加强了她们之间的关系。

12. B。……Lee很幸运(fortunate),她碰到一家美国人收养(adopted)她。

13. D。参见注释12。

14. C。……她学会了独立生活、勤恳工作,并把这些作为学识传给(passing)Bryan。

15. B。根据上下文以及前后的逻辑关系,这里应该是说教育的力量(power)。


16. at。laugh at,“嘲笑,取笑”。

17. Hearing。考查现在分词短语作状语的用法。

18. while。空格前后两个句子表达一种对比的关系,这里应该用while。

19. to please。考查动词不定式短语做目的状语的用法。 20. unfair。考查构词法。根据语境,这里应该用unfair。

21. for。考查介词的常用搭配。show one’s sympathy for sb. / sth.,“对……表示同情”。

22. a。这里考查不定冠词的特殊用法。

23. it。这里用代词it指代the donkey。

24. fell。考查动词的时态。这里应该用一般过去时态。

25. if。用if引导表示假设关系的从句。


A 篇


26. A。细节理解题。根据第一段末妈妈告诉她亲自告诉对方和第二段中小女孩走向对方的语境可知A项正确。

27. D。推理判断题。根据第四段的Moments later, the “spinning dress girl” reappeared, shoes in hand, looking for her new friend who had seemingly disappeared可知,那个穿裙子的女孩朝婴儿车跑过去,是为了拿鞋子给第一个女孩欣赏。

28. B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的Then we saw one showed and the other admired the beautiful shoes可知,那位老人叫住她们是为了让两个小女孩再次相见。

29. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段的that evening可知,故事发生在晚上。

30. C。写作意图题。作者在最后一段点题,表达了她的希望:如果你眼前有美好的事情要发生,请不要袖手旁观,要做出努力,让美好的事情发生。

B 篇


31. A。词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句话中的But可知,该句语义与前一句是转折关系,故可推知该词意为“重要的”。

32. D。推理判断题。根据第四段中发言人所说的话We couldn’t run the risk of damaging the brand name可知选D项,他们不会冒险让自己的品牌名声受损。

33. B。段落大意题。第五段第一句就点出了本段的主旨:品牌给消费者和商家都带来益处,下文展开对这一点进行说明,故选B项。

34. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段的brands are more than just product names ... means losing millions of dollars可知,品牌不只是产品的名称,它还是公司的资产,公司会不惜代价维护自己的品牌,故选B项。

35. C。标题归纳题。文章第一段由品牌无处不在引出了下文中对品牌的商机和效应所进行的介绍,因此C项概括合理。

C 篇


36. C。细节理解题。根据首段的The symbol is based on the “Berlin specimen” of the bird, the most complete skeleton to date可知C项正确。

37. A。细节理解题。根据第二段的Needing a larger manufacturing space, the company moved its head office to Burnaby in 1999可知A项正确,此次搬迁是为了寻求更大的生产场地。

38. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段In January 2001, Arc’teryx was purchased by the Adidas owned Salomon Group. In May 2005 Amer Sports purchased the Salomon Group from Adidas可知,阿迪达斯旗下的公司于2001年1月收购始祖鸟,2005年卖出,故阿迪达斯拥有始祖鸟的时间是4年。

39. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段的their clothing line has expanded to China, Vietnam, and New Zealand可知,始祖鸟的服装生产线已经发展到了不同的国家。

40. A。主旨大意题。本文从始祖鸟品牌于1989年成立开始谈起,介绍了其总部的搬迁、产品的开发、被收购的经历等,因此本文是关于“始祖鸟”的发展历程,故选A项。

D 篇


41. B。段落大意题。根据In order to make sure, to investigate及devoted to dealing with等信息可知,第一段主要介绍了投诉受理组的职能。

42. C。细节理解题。根据第二段的If you require advice before writing you can call the complaints team可知,如果乘客在撰写投诉信之前需要指导,他们可以给投诉受理组打电话。

43. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的The license plate number of the taxi is used in the majority of cases可知,投诉受理组主要根据牌照号码识别相关的出租车。

44. A。细节理解题。根据第四段可知,如果乘客的投诉涉及到交通事故,投诉受理组一般不展开调查。

45. D。写作对象题。本文向出租车乘客说明了应该如何投诉出租车司机,维护自身合法权益。


46. F。下周六是Peter爷爷的生日,爷爷75岁了,有时候膝盖、腰部、背部会感到疼痛,Peter想给爷爷买一本书,期望能对爷爷的健康有所帮助,这和F项图书简介相吻合,因此选择F项。

47. C。Helen的儿子热爱运动,将来想成为一个有名的足球运动员,Helen想给儿子买一本书,期望儿子学习一些名人,这和C项图书简介相吻合,因此选择C项。

48. B。上个月Catherine的母亲获悉得了肝癌,自此她情绪一直很低落,Catherine想为母亲买一本书,期望母亲和疾病作斗争,这和B项图书简介相吻合,因此选择B项。

49. E。Elizabeth喜欢跑步,跑步有助于健康,使人强壮,她想买一本书学习一下科学的跑步方法,这和E项图书简介相吻合,因此选择E项。

50. D。Kevin是一个自行车族,他经常骑自行车去乡下度假,他想买一本书学习一下如何修理自行车,这和D项图书简介相吻合,因此选择D项。




Lin Tao: Good morning, Doctor.

Doctor: Good morning.!What’s the(1) m_____with you, young man?

Lin Tao: I’ve got a (2)h_____ and a cough, I’m afraid I’ll be(3) d .

Doctor: Don’t (4)w_______. It’s nothing serious. Have you taken (5)t_______ ?

Lin Tao: Yes, I have. (6)B_______ I haven’t got a fever

Doctor: How long have you been like this?

Lin Tao: (7)E______ since last night.

Doctor: Let me look (8)o_______ you. Open your mouth and say “Ahh”. Oh, it’s nothing serious. Just a cold. Take this (9)m________ three times a day and drink more water. You’ll be better soon.

Lin Tao: Thank you, Doctor.

Doctor: You’re (10)w________ .



Jane:Mum,What will the weather be like tomorrow? Have you heard the weather report today?

Mum:Yes, why do you pay much more (1)a_______ to something about the weather?

Jane: Oh,we’ve planned to go for a (2)p_______ .

Mum:The radio gives us the (3)i_______ that there’ll be rain..

Jane: What a (4)s_______ ! Our plan can’t be (5)c______ out.

Mum:You know sometimes the (6)w________ makes mistakes.

Jane: I hope he’s made a mistake again this time.

Mum:Why not play computer (7)g________ at home if it rains ?

Jane: I'm afraid I (8)p________ to go to the (9)m_______ rather than do that.

Mum: OK. It's good to see an interesting film on (10)r_______ days.



W: Good evening, sir. I was told that you were robbed.

M: I certainly was.

W:When did that happen?

M: About two hours ago.

W: Why didn’t you (1) r______ it then?

M: I couldn’t. I was tied to a chair and my mouth was (2) f______ with something.

W: Please tell me exactly what happened.

M: I was sitting in this room watching TV when someone (3)k at the door.

Without thinking, I opened it.

W: That wasn’t very wise, sir.

M: I know. I was (4) e_____ my wife, you see, and I (5) t______ it was her.

W: You should never open a door without going to see who it is.

M: Yes, I regret that now.

W: What happened?

M: Two men pushed inside and then (6) t______ me with a knife.

W: Did you take a good look at them?

M: I’m afraid not, They were both (7)w stockings over their faces.

W: What did they take?

M: My wallet with $200 in it, my watch, and some of my wife’s (8) j______ from my bedroom.

W: They don’t seem to have done much damage to the flat.

M: No. They had just begun to search when the dogs next (9) d______ began to bark. They ran off. It was some time (10) b my wife returned and set me free. I phoned the police at once.

W: My men began searching the area as soon as we received your call. I can’t promise you that we’ll recover your property, but we’ll certainly do our best.


A: Morning! What can I do for you?

B: We’d like to (1)make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.

A: (2)There are many travel paths. Which one would you like to choose?

B: We’d like to choose Jinggang (3)mountains.

A: It’s really worth (4)visiting Which hotel do you want to stay in?

B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is good and (5)tidy?

A: The Holiday Home ,but it’s a bit more (6)expensive.

B:It doesn’t (7)matter whether we’ll spend more money living such a hotel.

A: Could you please fill in this form?

B:OK .I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, is it all right if we pay by (8)credit card?

A :(9)Certainly, it is quite all right And (10)enjoy your weekend.

B:Thank you.


A: Betty, we haven't been out for over a month. Let's go (1)s this evening.

B: Fine. Where would you like to go? To see a film or to watch a play?

A: A modern (2)t is on this week. Let's go and watch it, shall we?

B: The newspaper said it was the (3)least interesting play of the year.

A: How about the film "World Without Thieves"? That should be (4)e .

B: We've already seen it. Don't you (5)r ?

A: Then let's go to the (6)n cinema. The film "Not One Less" is being (7)s .

B: Good. What time does it (8)s .

A: 15 minutes ago. We just (9)m it.

B: Well, Will you please go back together with me to get my (10)d camera and then go to the park?

A:That’s a good idea.



1.matter 2.headache 3.dead 4.worry 5.temperature 6.But 7.Ever 8.over 9.medicine 10.welcome


1.attention 2.picnic 3.information 4.shame 5.carried 6.weatherman 7.games 8.prefer 9.movie 10.rainy


1 report 2 filled 3 knocked 4 expecting 5 thought 6 threatened 7 wearing 8 jewellery 9 door 10 before


1.make 2.There 3.mountains 4.visiting 5.tidy 6.expensive 7.matter 8.credit 9.Certainly 10.enjoy


1.somewhere 2.theatre/theater 3.least 4.enjoyable/exciting 5.remember 6.neiborhood 7.shown 8.start 9.missed 10.digital